Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago · 5 min. reading time · ~10 ·

Fay blog
“Worms, Worriers and Warriors”

“Worms, Worriers and Warriors”

threshing sledge. new and


“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of unbelief, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” ~ A Tale of Two Cities

Charles Dicken’s book was published in 1859 … yet his words ring true today. It appears that we have left the “best of times” and may have entered the “worst of times” … uncertainty & fear abound and panic is as much a pandemic as the corona virus … it feels like the world is at war… a visible revolution with an “invisible enemy”

How should we respond? Where is the “season of light & spring of hope” in this dark time?

“We all need faith for dark & trying times, and the Bible is filled with accounts of such days. Its story is told with them, its songs are inspired by them, its prophecy deals with them, and its revelation has come through them. Desperate days are as stepping-stones on the path of light.”

The following verse might seem an odd encouragement … but I hope that you will read to the end to the end and find a ray of light … a beacon of hope … and peace. 

“Do not be afraid, O worm Jacob … I will make you into a threshing sledge, new & sharp, with many teeth” ~ Isaiah 41


: 8. bod

How does a fearful, worried “worm” become a “threshing sledge” … a sharp instrument that cuts like a sword in the hands of a warrior? This exceeds self-effort … it requires Divine intervention & transformation.

God’s promise to Jacob is: “I will make you”

God is no a respecter of persons … He will graciously help anyone … work with & through anyone to accomplish His purposes.

Human history bears out that God is a transformer of lives and The Giver of great destiny.

Throughout every period in human history great men have been raised up by God: they were made by God to be great leaders … great thinkers … people of great influence.

Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, was such a man.

Jacob who was renamed by God: “Israel” … was the third of the Bible “Patriarch’s” … he was greatly used & greatly made but his path was filled with challenges and struggles which are not much different than our own. It was DURING his life journey that Jacob came to “know God” … came to understand how God was moving on his behalf … that recognition took decades.

“Do not be afraid, O worm Jacob … O little Israel, for I Myself will help you,” declares the Lord. “See, I will make you into a threshing sledge, new & sharp, with many teeth” ~ Isaiah 41

For those who do not know this Jacob or would like to learn more here are some resources:



Now what do worms have in common with people? Worms are segmented … human cells are segmented. We too are segmented beings “broken, fractured” … humanity is in a fractal state & there are hidden forces at work (Fractal means “broken” in Latin)

“The Fractal State of Humanity ~ Hidden Forces for you & against you”


Could any two things be in greater contrast than a worm and a threshing tool with teeth?

…A worm is delicate and can easily be bruised by a stone or crushed beneath a passing wheel.

… A threshing tool with sharp teeth can cut through rock & not be broken; leaving its mark upon the rock.

God has a history of using the insignificant to accomplish what might seem like the impossible. 

Only Almighty God can convert the one into the other … a “worm” into a warrior. He can take a man or a nation, who has all the weakness of a worm, and through the transforming work of His own Spirit, He can endow that person or nation with strength enough to make a profound mark upon the history of the time.

Therefore a “worm” may take heart. Almighty God can make us stronger than our circumstances and can turn each situation to our good. In God’s strength we can be imbued with Divine strength. He can take the darkest disappointments and most challenging situations and break them open … inside we will discover a precious jewel of grace. When God gives us an iron will, we can cut through difficulties just as an iron plowshare cuts through the hardest soil.

Christ is building His kingdom with the broken things of earth, the weak things in the world: worriers, wimps, the wounded … the anxious & fearful … those who are lost or in a “pit” … misfits & cast-aways … and those who face unrelenting winds of adversity.



This is in contrast to the way of the world: where people desire the strong, the powerful, the beautiful, the successful, the victorious … unbroken things to build their kingdoms.

“But God” is the God of all who are “broken” … those who are struggling or have failed … those deemed unsuccessful by the standards of the world.

This is not Divine wand-waving. Rather a process of transformation over time … just as it was for Jacob.

Outcomes are determined by recognition of condition … willingness, cooperation & desire. No matter who you are or what you are struggling with: “God can only do for you what you allow Him to do in you.”

Heaven is being filling with earth’s broken lives, and there is no “bruised reed” … no “broken” person that God cannot take and restore to a glorious place of blessing and beauty. He can take a life crushed by pain, loss or sorrow and make it relevant & meaningful.

As priorities are being reordered, consider this … grace-filled … adventure-filled invitation

“I will make you”

“Follow Me, and I will make you”  

Make you speak My words with power,  

Make you vessels of My mercy,  

Make you loving sons & daughters.

“Follow Me, and I will make you”  

Make you what you cannot be 

… if you choose to do your own thing

… if you choose to go your own way

But if you choose to Follow Me, “I will make you”

Make you loving, trustful, faithful,  

Make you even just like to Me” ~ Jesus

Disclaimer: Following Jesus Christ is no guarantee of a cake-walk … or a carefree life ;~)

Jesus promised his disciples three things: that they would be completely fearless, absurdly happy, and in constant trouble.” ~ Gilbert K. Chesterton

We also have many words of assurance from the LORD … here are a few:


“I will never forsake you”

“I will not forget you … see, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before Me.” (our “walls” are obstacles, hardships, seemingly impossible situations)

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name … you are Mine. I will be with you. You are precious and honored in my sight because I LOVE you.” ~ Isaiah 41, 43, 49

Stay safe & be well all my bee-friends … you are in my thoughts & prayers.


Giving honor where honor is due: 


3 images in post by Artist: https://www.duyhuynh.com/


It was a post by @Joel Anderson that turned my mind to “worms”

"Worms, Meaning and Relevance"


As I read Joel’s post the thought that “wormed” its way into my head is the one referenced here in Isaiah 41 … it gave me a different perspective on worms and the similar state in which a person may be found ;~)


“I will make you” appears 162 times in Holy Scriptures

I adapted: The poem “Follow Me & I will make you” by RJ Miller and part of this message from the devotional Streams in the Desert ~ by L.B Cowman (first published in 1925)

March 25, 2020

From a well-spring spirit, I write: “In His Light”

All rights reserved:  Fay Marmalich-Vietmeier 

If my words make you think … Great ;~)

As “iron-sharpens-iron” … I enjoy bantering with other BEES … your feedback is as “honey”

A glimpse of the “Bee” called “me” ;~)

My caring nature makes me an advocate. My curious nature makes me a “queen of questions” … but gifted with the ability to listen ;~) I am a woman of deep faith, a blessed mother, a voracious reader, a blossoming writer, a grateful person, and a lover of beauty … I treasure family, true friendships and my loyal clients ... enjoy traveling, learning, good movies, good wine and golf. I’m a “heart-to-heart” communicator.




Fay Vietmeier

3 years ago #48

Lyon Brave multiplied thanks for visiting here. if I'm understanding your words ... "Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Matthew 6 Lovely response "Brave Lyon"

Lyon Brave

3 years ago #47

don't i feed the birds

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #46

Tausif Mundrawala I am thinking about you Tausif ... keeping you in prayer If or as you have a moment ... let me know how you;'re doing Be well with ALL your being ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #45

Cyndi wilkins 3-31-20 I’m glad you joined in Cyndee … your comments always reveal thoughtfulness & wisdom … I may quote you in a post I’m working on ;~) I know in another conversation I shared the hard truth that people have a hard time with “suffering” Yet … “suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” ~ Romans 5 We live in a culture that has developed a lottery mind-set and loves the “easy button & easy chair” … demands the immediate resolution of any discomfort Such expectation robs character and fuels failure The lack of personal responsibility has blossomed in recent decades … fueled by a legal system that often removes the concept or consequence of taking “responsibility” Placing blame comes with great ease to those who desire "easy" Be well my bee-friend ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #44

Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee (part 2) I had an epiphany the day I visited my friend in a psych ward and the nurse ask me "which CONSUMER" do you want to see? ( the stated mission of many drug companies is: to make "life time consumers of their drug ... now there's TRUTH ... the devil has a sense of humor does he not? ... I know that in all forms of medical practices there exists “the good-the bad-the ugly” People must be their own advocate (or be blessed to have an advocate) And to the degree possible, be an “expert” about whatever health issue one is afflicted with Many complexities … Be well my “bee-friend” … you are in my prayers ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #43

Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee As I read your words Joyce ... I am reminded that we are "fearfully & wonderfully made" … I ponder such things ;~) Even from your brief words ... I hear the suffering that you went through: "I was dying" Praise God that your health recovered after going off all the pharmaceutical products … and that you reasoned within to do this for yourself I never cease to be amazed at the WARNINGS which are defined in GREAT detail for so many commonly taken drugs... the pharma companies lay out the (often) very DETRIMENTAL side-effects of their (often) very lucrative drugs (for legal purposes) How very often when I hear these DRUG commercials do I think: “well if it don’t kill you … perhaps you will find help” How often do people end up on other medications for side-effects I know people who take long lists of meds (some are in my family) … I know people on “high risk” medications (such as my friend who suffers from bi-polar disorder/he has been on these drugs or some variation for decades/they turn people into addicts & dull their senses – I am witness) written about here: “Whirling Winds” https://www.bebee.com/producer/@fay-vietmeier-pennsylvania/whirling-winds-wounding-words (part 1)

Cyndi wilkins

4 years ago #42

If you are addressing me here...I am suggesting this is all about 'perception' ...and what it means to participate in it wisely.
Oh yes--and that is like telling a rape victim they are responsible for being raped.

Cyndi wilkins

4 years ago #40

Sorry I am so ate to game on this piece Fay Vietmeier...It so reminds me of something I wrote a while back entitled...'The Souls Kiss' Nobody wishes pain upon themselves, but that too can serve a much higher purpose than one might imagine. It is often that the human spirit shines most brightly when it is challenged by pain or illness....(or threat thereof) COVID my friends...When the student is ready the teacher will appear... If you believe in such a thing as the spirit, know that yours is always hard at work to bring to your awareness a better understanding of yourself in relation to the way you behave in the world.... What is it about the way you have been behaving that is most in need of change? Your words speaks a great truth Fay..."There is no “broken” person that God cannot take and restore to a glorious place of blessing and beauty. He can take a life crushed by pain, loss or sorrow and make it relevant & meaningful." The first step in defeating a problem is in taking responsibility for our own role in creating it....Fear and anger create great suffering and point the finger of blame...Whereas love, understanding and compassion turn the mirror upon oneself...
1/2 Fay Vietmeier No--the elongated cervical lesion is a result of antibodies attacking some particular DNA affiliated with spinal cord material. It could also be the result of adjuvants, which I now avoid like a plague. Adjuvanted materials are in many, many pharmaceutical products. Inactive ingredients are changed but are never tested for human safety. So--human trials determining the safety of a particular pharmaceutical product may just be moot. If the inactive ingredients are changed, the product may no longer be safe. Aluminum--a neurotoxin--is in many pharma products. Side effects to medications are, not only not treated very seldom, but are also seldom acknowledged. MDs themselves, are starting to sound more and more like drug representatives--the sales force of the pharmaceutical industry. This I know from personal experience--I almost died. Because I was dying, I went off all pharmaceutical products on a whim--and recovered much of my health.
2/2 Fay Vietmeier I had terrible liver pain. An ultrasound was ordered. The ultrasound itself was so painful, I almost jumped off of the table. There was a sense of relief in that I would finally know what was wrong. The results of the test? I was told that I was fine. Yet when I weaned off of one pharma product, my liver pain disappeared. I had constant muscle spasms. When I went off of an injection that was ordered, I could finally move without fear or pain. When I was off of all of them--even the drug I took for insomnia--I slept for a glorious five weeks. And my kidneys? Up from 50% to over 80%--took only a year. I have no idea where they are now--another year later. I've suffered so much damage, I will never fully recover, but at least I can walk and move and see [yes, my eyesight was being affected, too.]
No--the elongated cervical lesion is a result of antibodies attacking some particular DNA affiliated with spinal cord material. It could also be the result of adjuvants, which I now avoid like a plague. Adjuvanted materials are in many, many pharmaceutical products. Inactive ingredients are changed but are never tested for human safety. So--human trials determining the safety of a particular pharmaceutical product may just be moot. If the inactive ingredients are changed, the product may no longer be safe. Aluminum--a neurotoxin--is in many pharma products. Side effects to medications are, not only treated very seldom but are also seldom acknowledged. This I know from personal experience--I almost died. Because I was dying, I went off all pharmaceutical products on a whim--and recovered much of my health. I had terrible liver pain. An ultrasound was ordered. The ultrasound itself was so painful, I almost jumped off of the table. There was a sense of relief in that I would finally know what was wrong. The results of the test? I was told that I was fine. Yet when I weaned off of one pharma product, my liver pain disappeared. I had constant muscle spasms. When I went off of an injection that was ordered, I could finally move without fear or pain. When I was off of all of them--even the drug I took for insomnia--I slept for a glorious five weeks. And my kidneys? Up from 50% to over 80%--took only a year. I have no idea where they are now--another year later. I've suffered so much damage, I will never fully recover, but at least I can walk and move and see [yes, my eyesight was being affected, too.] I'd most likely be dead now if I hadn't stopped listening to MDs.

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #36

Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee A few of the things I looked at: Follow the money: https://www.biospace.com/article/top-10-gene-sequencing-companies-by-revenue/ Gene Disruption https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/biochemistry-genetics-and-molecular-biology/gene-disruption Genetic sequencing https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/psychology/genetic-sequencing J.F. Pagel, Philip Kirshtein, in Machine Dreaming and Consciousness Creating the Perfect Zombie (chapter) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128037201000104 and Imaging Genomics and ENIGMA (chapter 7) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B978012800105900007X the reference to “elongating cervical lesion” (possibly cancer?) In the past I have done research on the use of cannabis in treating cancer (that A mere glimpse … lots of research on this subject ( and controversy but I personally believe the potential benefits have been suppressed by BIG pharma for uncounted years) https://www.oncozine.com/how-cannabis-oil-works-to-kill-cancer/ The apoptotic process by these receptors is achieved through the de novo synthesis of ceramide and sphingolipid that promote cell destruction. Once they bind together, the receptor activation can then help the endocannabinoid system in signaling an antitumorigenic warning. Which means, it impairs cancer development through inhibiting reproduction, metastasis, and tumor angiogenesis.

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #35

Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee Joyce~ I fell like I stepped into a mystery and a drama ... Got sidetracked for hours doing some research on genetic sequencing which took me into AI Both fascinating … and SCARY Almighty God is many THINGS … including The Great Physician, our Healer, Psychiatrist, Scientist … nature testifies: one great example is fractals https://www.bebee.com/producer/@fay-vietmeier-pennsylvania/the-fractal-state-of-humanity-the-hidden-forces-at-work-for-you-against-you ... Not sure how I can help but I will pray for this fellow bee … (part 1)
And this one I'll probably be muscling through for days or weeks. For the foundation of my understanding, at least. I think genetic sequencing is being disrupted. Hopefully, this scientist will give me a direction to go in. [that looked terrible, so took it out]
And this one I'll probably be muscling through for days or weeks. For the foundation of my understanding, at least. I think genetic sequencing is being disrupted. I just need what could add up to a coupla thousand dollars for books. But then--I'd have to get the right ones first go-round. Hopefully, this scientist will give me a direction to go in.
Okay--I just wrote an email and sent it off to someone who just may be able to help me learn the answer. Perhaps it will help you understand my mindset. My thinking is waaaay out there and science is my god and savior. Below is the email with one word missing [wouldn't want to let on who I am talking to]: "I have antibodies to my DNA. There are scientists LOUDLY declaring our DNA is being altered through the shots. What if my immune system is reacting--not to my DNA--but to alterations in my DNA? Genetics was a childhood hobby of mine. My childhood dream was to cure cancer by somehow targeting a common genetic trait across the cancer-cell spectrum—alerting the immune system to its presence; therefore, causing the immune system to target and destroy cancer cells. Certainly got me strange and wondrous looks forty-five years ago when I was in college and wrote a “dare” paper on it. My myelin is not being targeted uniformly. It’s my spinal cord. Or perhaps it’s not my myelin at all. Are there any significant genetic differences relative to spinal cord material and the rest? A factor not common to brain material? Damn—I wish I could afford more books. I’ll never get any accurate testing done in this country to determine just what parts of my body are under attack—but I know I have that elongating cervical lesion. Yes—yes—I know—it’s not that simple, but yet it is. My guess is you know a hell of a lot more than just [ ]. Give a girl—okay—old woman—a break. You at least know someone who might be curious enough to be looking at this. Back in the day—in the 70s—I had the opportunity to participate and observe in the operation of a SEM. When I learned it cost about $5,000 a minute to run, I was—not quite but close—to being horrified. I’ve always thought knowledge should not carry so high a cost. But then—I’m quite the bleeding heart. On to the hunt…"

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #31

Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee (part 2) God is NOT to blame for the behavior of unrighteousness ... evil men Throughout human history men have distorted Truth … wrongly used their position to do harm One example is Catholic Church (from indulgences to political corruption … to sexual abuse) But there are MANY others … this is reflective of our sinful human condition I take comfort in knowing that: “God is not mocked” “knee smashing” is not the best teacher of empathy ;~) I love this definition of empathy: feel your pain in my heart (this requires revelation)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #30

Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee Joyce … I feel a need to ponder your words before responding … “deep searches deep” … Before I say anything I want to share this precious insight from our dear Professor “We may say things differently for one or all reasons, but still what we see is beauty.” ~ Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee There is another thing we have in common: in my own journey of personal growth which includes growing in faith … I, too have become a student of psychology & human behavior … formal learning included … However I take as my highest Source of understanding on this deep & complex subject: God’s Word … which is over-flowing with wisdom on the subject of human beings & human behavior (numerous accounts of the “good, the bad, and the ugly” ... written with the oversight of the Holy Spirit & preserved for our benefit) You wrote something earlier which prompts me to share this thought: When people in a position of authority or expertise use that position to harm another person … especially innocents & vulnerable people they will suffer unique & unimaginable punishment … if not in the life … at the Judgement “God is not mocked” (part 1)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #29

Pascal Derrien https://www.bebee.com/producer/@fay-vietmeier-pennsylvania/lines-of-life I added these to lines for Dr Ian ... and all the warriors in the corona war ... "The brave of heart can be found on the front-lines Facing the enemy head on … their courage shines"

Pascal Derrien

4 years ago #28

on lockdown for a while now all good though some have it really hard especially guys and gals on the frontline

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #27

Pascal Derrien I hope all is well with you and your family Pascal I'm glad you liked the "Disclaimer" ... it is Truth Be well my bee-friend ;~)
In studying human behavior and psychology--and writing, of course, I have found that people need a reference point in order to feel compassion and empathy rather than pity. In other words--if you smash your knee to bits, others have no reference point for that pain, so they cannot empathize with it. I don't suggest everyone go around smashing knees in order to create those reference points either. I am completely comfortable with those things I can do. I write about my experiences in the hopes we will, one day, be able to reach deep down inside and feel. Some already can, and I wonder if it is only because they have "reference" points of their own.

Pascal Derrien

4 years ago #25

I like the disclaimer 😉

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #24

John Rylance I hope this finds you well John I appreciate your reading and insight ... Have not heard that term "when the worm turns" ... very appropriate I may try to add in that thought ;~) Be-well my bee-friend ;~)

Ali Anani

4 years ago #23

A great source of pearls is a mind like yours dear Fay Vietmeier. You even reminded me of my own work. I hope you write the post soon.

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #22

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee "Pearl-seekers" that may turn into a post my dear Professor ;~) "We may say things differently for one or all reasons, but still what we see is beauty." I LOVE this Ali ... your have a beautiful open mind ... a willing spirit that seeks "pearls" of wisdom & truth I shall visit your "Shells of Wisdom" and comment there Be-well my dear bee-friend ;~)

John Rylance

4 years ago #21

These pearls of wisdom have lightened my day. In particular the worm analogy. There is a phrase "when the worm turns", which refers to person or persons who turns and fights back from adversity. Maybe it be soon that globally we can turn and overcome the virus.

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #20

Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador Franci~ thank you for your honest sharing & words. I very much agree about a “healthy mindset” … … this is what I call “right-thinking” … which produces right-actions … well-being YES: these ARE “confusing times” … and there IS much uncertainty “not knowing what’s coming next” does produces fear … this is a very human response (confusion & fear produce darkness- reflected in spiritual condition) I know you read @AliAnani’s post … this was one of my comments there but it ties in https://www.bebee.com/producer/@ali-anani/corona-threats-and-opportunities Now I’m going entirely into the spiritual on how you present the “Corona and the Relations Pyramid: Disruption may turn this pyramid upside down. Instead of bonding we need detachment. Instead of closeness we need separation. The corona virus is turning our understandings upside down.” ~Ali In my spiritual journey I have learned that the evil one, Satan is the “great Separator” He separates: People from God People from each other People from themselves (knowing their true self) So I see the corona virus as a weapon … a spiritual weapon and Yes … “understanding is turned upside down” but the “Separator” is accomplishing his mission He is also the “author of confusion” … and fueler of fear Bee-well my bee-friend ;~)

Ali Anani

4 years ago #19

Fay Vietmeier I love your term pearl-seekers. You know dear friend that pearl reflects light in different colors and patterns depending on its chemical structure, impurities present, the angle at which we view the pearl among other factors. We may say things differently for one or all reasons, but still what we see is beauty. You remind me of my post and quote on pearls, which I sure you shall enjoy because I had published it before we connected: From salted waters of experiences come the pearls of magical colors Ali Anani, PhD https://www.bebee.com/producer/@ali-anani/shells-of-wisdom

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #18

Joyce \ud83d\udc1d Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee Joyce~ I so appreciate your reading and honesty … I wanted to weigh your words & thoughtfully respond … for I have read some of your writing and it is poignant: “The Pursuit” (brought tears) https://www.bebee.com/producer/@joyce-bowen/the-pursuit Truly I can say we never know the depth of pain … brokenness or challenge in the life of another … until peeling back the layers. I call this the “human-onion” process. I have been writing about it (will let you know when I post) In my own family there was great “brokenness” and dysfunction … such “brokenness is handed down from generation to generation Very few grow up in a Norman Rockwell family. We are all shaped by our childhood (good-bad-ugly) If that shaping was “bad or ugly” we survive … it makes us bitter or better … strong either way. Eventually we find our way … make our way … choose our way After many decades I can say that it was choosing to “believe & trust” and growing in “knowing Him” … growing in faith … that has made all the difference in my life. "The Truth set me free" ;~) “Divine Art” If you could see inside your heart. Broken places … broken apart. Has hope become a drought? When did the Light go out? Has the door been closed? For uncounted reasons no one knows. A disconnected heart so easily turns to stone. Did you forget to forgive & refuse to atone? Can wounds be healed that can’t be seen? Or does that just happen in a dream? In “human-onions” … where does one start? Peeling layers in the heart … this is Divine art. "The Fractal “broken” state of humanity” https://www.bebee.com/producer/@fay-vietmeier-pennsylvania/the-fractal-state-of-humanity-the-hidden-forces-at-work-for-you-against-you

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #17

Ali \ud83d\udc1d Anani, Brand Ambassador @beBee Thank you my dear Professor for your sweet share of this post … it occurs to me & I SMILE … this might make you some sort of a fisherman … by a sharing of “worms” ;~) As I walk away from your words: “I can't match your spirituality, but at least I have the sense to enjoy them immensely.” The thought occurs to me Ali what a person that makes you. For you have learned to read with an open mind and open heart what may challenge you or be different than your beliefs or thinking … and yet you can “enjoy” We are both pearl-seekers. Highly curious & attentive. One never knows where pearls might be found;~) God has uniquely made you to be that “windmill of thought” and you take away ideas that I would miss … as I, at times recognize something as being profound when spiritually applied ... when reading your thoughts & IDEAS God is the “Master-Weaver” … and I do not cease to give thanks that he crossed our threads in some tapestry of words ;~)

Ali Anani

4 years ago #16

Confusion is chaotic and people draw the heart of this chaos as a dark one. I like your perspective Franci\ud83d\udc1dEugenia Hoffman, beBee Brand Ambassador as confusion word is less worrying.
"My caring nature makes me an advocate. My curious nature makes me a “queen of questions” … but gifted with the ability to listen." You and I are the same in only these two things. My life has been a shitstorm from the moment of my birth. I stopped praying at the age of 8-years-old because I felt that if there was a god, he would never allow a child to go through the things that I was going through. I turned to science, and was seduced by those who called themselves scientists. I now stand alone with the only possible religion for me--learning the truth and spreading it around.

Ali Anani

4 years ago #14

Dear Fay Vietmeier There are posts that i share with great confidence and I feel it is unfair not to share them. Your posts, including this one, falls under this criteria. I can't match your spirituality, but at least I have the sense to enjoy them immensely. Two points that attracted my attention. First- your writing "How should we respond? Where is the “season of light & spring of hope” in this dark time?" In the news today the warriors in Yemen agreed to halt the fighting so that they may fight the Corona Virus. In many prisons jailed people were let free so that they may not infect others or be infected. The environment is now cleaner than any time before for a considerable times. Aren't all these example a proof of what you say "in the quote? You are spot on. Second- "Only Almighty God can convert the one into the other … a “worm” into a warrior". It just shows how we are exposed to the greatest dangers from the smallest species. No matter how strong we are we should always remember our weaknesses to remain humble and stop self-inflation. We know, but the lesson is that no matter how much we know we still don't know. There is a supreme power above us that can control us and when needed force us to turn our chaotic lives into more orderly ones. Great post as usual.

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #12

Roberto De la Cruz Utria Preston \ud83d\udc1d Vander Ven Pascal Derrien Debasish Majumder John Rylance

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #10

Oswaldo Enrique Diaz Delgado Oswaldo ~ Your words reveal your tender heart: “"Good deposit", the Holy Spirit present in every family in every human being.” … “Isn’t it pretty to think so” ~ Earnest Hemingway from the his book The Sun Also Rises The most important moment of The Sun Also Rises is the very ending: that chilling, cuts-you-like-a-shiv line: "Isn't it pretty to think so?" Because this line sums up the very spirit of the Lost Generation. Scripture tells us that the “good deposit" is for believers … for those “in Christ” “What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. 14 Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.” ~ 2 Timothy 1: 13-14 And “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. 21 Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, 22 set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.” ~ 2 Corinthians 1: 20-22 I welcome your prayers Oswaldo ... be well my bee-friend ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #9

Jerry Fletcher Thank you Jerry for reading & your encouragement “share a steady light” … that is why I write: “in His Light” … conversing about “alternative views” is a path to find common ground ... we'll see how that goes ;~) Be well my bee-friend ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #8

Kevin Baker Hello my favorite “hat-tipping” bee … how are you on this lovely day my good lad? Thanks for reading and the brevity of your wisdom: “awareness does make the invisible … visible” This reminds me of faith: “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see…this is what the ancients were commended for … by faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible” ~Hebrews 11 Take good care of you ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #7

Zacharias \ud83d\udc1d Voulgaris Hello Zacharias … I hope this finds you well. Thank you for reading and your good & challenging comment. I’d like to write that on a cloud ;~) “you are not a worm … you are a warrior” Begin your journey of transformation … God is on your side ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #6

Joel Anderson Joel you are most welcome … a “Wow” from you is as sweet praise ;~) These words reflect your character and willing spirit: “Open our eyes, that we can see. Open our ears, that we can hear. Open our hearts, that we might be enlightened” I connect your words to the encouragement of Christ … who always aims for the heart with brevity and simple truth “He who has ears … let him hear” He who has eyes …let him see” Turn your hearts and be healed “There are mountains to be removed & the greatest is in our heart” ~ Phillip Britts Water at the Root The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart” https://www.bebee.com/producer/@fay-vietmeier-pennsylvania/the-heart-of-the-matter-is-the-matter-of-the-heart

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #5

Oswaldo Enrique Diaz Delgado You mention: “At the origin - continuity a wonderful relationship "OUR MOTHER NATURE" … we are to be “good stewards” of this gem planet … caregivers & caretakers over ALL the nature we have been gifted I recently commented “Mother Earth” reports to “Father God” … he is in charge … our days and times are in His Able hands ;~) 3) You mention from Genesis 35 Jacob instructed by God to “go up to Bethel” … in turn he told his family to " Take away the foreign gods that are among you and purify yourselves" Now here is the challenge that has plagued human beings … from that time to this time: “take away the foreign gods that are among you & purify yourselves” The force we serve … the God or gods we serve always determines the outcome https://www.bebee.com/producer/@fay-vietmeier-pennsylvania/the-fractal-state-of-humanity-the-hidden-forces-at-work-for-you-against-you Take good care Oswaldo ;~)

Fay Vietmeier

4 years ago #4

Oswaldo Enrique Diaz Delgado Hello Oswaldo … you have been in my prayers and your beautiful family … I hope all are well Thank you for reading and your always deep & rich comments … you have the “dubious honor of 1st reading & comment ;~) Beautifully stated: “be present to know, understand and understand the commands of God in us” … and around us … and Ever-present “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” ~ Romans 1:20 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.” ~ Psalm 19 2) Beautifully said Oswaldo: “The Bible, (OUR LIGHT); always above all unbelief, his purposes to provide us with every source of light in the name of humanity.” Recognizing the Source of Light and turning our hearts to HIM is for the benefit of humanity The Lord as Good Shepherd “leads us in paths of righteousness for His name sake” … but this is for our BENEFIT We are called to be “salt & light” … and as you say so well: “shine with greater intensity where there are problems or difficulties.” This is only possible if we believe & receive the gift of the “good deposit “ the Holy Spirit is as as you say “GOD IN US” (part 1)

Jerry Fletcher

4 years ago #3

Thank you Fay. Your words and those you share shine a steady light on an alternate view.

Zacharias 🐝 Voulgaris

4 years ago #2

Perhaps we are all warriors who have forgotten our true nature and are made to believe that we are worms...

Joel Anderson

4 years ago #1

Wow, this was good. Thank you for the reference to my contemplation on worms :) On our individual and collective journeys here is to choosing the paths with intent--simply looking for the good in all of us. Open our eyes, that we can see. Open our ears, that we can hear. Open our hearts, that we might be enlightened. It is there all around us. Keep making a difference.

Articles from Fay Vietmeier

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2 years ago · 5 min. reading time

It has been said: “Don’t hold on too long and don’t let go too soon” · "You got to know when to hold ...

2 years ago · 5 min. reading time

Can Peace & Wisdom prevail in CHAOS? · Does the quality of your thoughts determine the quality of yo ...

2 years ago · 4 min. reading time

.. God is with us .. · He is the truest of Friends & He abides with you & me · Though He is a Spirit ...

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