Joyce 🐝 Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee

2 years ago · 5 min. reading time · ~100 ·

Joyce 🐝 blog
Pointing fingers is a Strategy Employed by the WEF and a Good One

Pointing fingers is a Strategy Employed by the WEF and a Good One



PRE ay 8 Ew VS

Somebody said [I don’t remember who] that the only way this could be happening globally is that all they already control all governments.

He go
Apocalypse A Fos QL

PE ~~

=~ AL:




I believe that’s true.








So what organizations are out there?  I’ve run across a few.


  • World Economic Forum [WEF]
  • United Nations [UN]
  • World Health Organization [WHO]
  • The Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization [GAVI]
  • International Federation for Automatic Control [IFAC]
  • United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO]


To name a few… 


There are groups and subgroups and subsubgroups—many are on the graphics below:



Ee tn UN (3 all subsidiaries)
i Foi US Hational Reconnanaance
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PERMINDEX intmlligenee)


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Corsten Potts


Prncetan Inst for Advanced Studies
TAVISTOCK - 1921 we =

Harvard Paychiatiie Clinic





at Stanford Research Imire (SH)
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Testing reveals IQ o of 154 on WISO placing ber in superior range of intelligenae.
Rorschach shows an essentially normal record but some @ifftcultiss In areas of
inter-personal relstionships. Joyce has capsoity for insight, drive for self-
improvement but sees herself by & severe frustrating enviromment thet
does not allow or offer her intellectual and emotional growth, She forsees
however, self-capacities and strengths to find these things for herself, and she
should be helped to develop these strengths sine it is not 1liicely that the parents
esn be positive guiding foroose


Wow—crazy right?  Crazy it is—I agree.  But it’s happening right now and has been carefully woven through our lives for decades upon decades.


Listen to retired KGB agent, Yuri Bezmenov in a video:

5 ways data can help build trust in


Bob Gosdron

The private sector has proven more agile than the public 6ctor as
organizations have struggled during the pandemic to keep up with



Yuri Bezmenov – Ideological Subversion. KGB Defector full Interview. Gas Shortage NC 2021


Everything they told me was a lie.  I know because I lived it.  I did everything I was told to do and more.  I vaccinated my babies in the 1970s and subsequently brain-damaged them; I vaccinated myself and now suffer from an autoimmune disease no MD will treat.  I let them bankrupt me and steal every opportunity I had.


Opportunity I had galore.  I am a polymath, a genius, and a non-linear thinker.  I had my life all mapped out as a child.  Records from when I was 2 months past my 13th birthday are below:


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I had it made until I chose my children over me.  I declined a free pass to continue higher education because my 2-year-old was downright bonkers and no one could [or would] tell me why. 


So let’s go over some plans these nefarious organizations have for us animals—yes—they think of us as animals.  The CEO of Pfizer is a vet.  I watched an old video in the past year or two where PhDs were told to think of their research subjects as animals—they were human babies.  I’ve searched high and low for that video and haven’t been able to find it.  If I do, I will post it here.


Here we go:


5 ways data can help build trust in vaccines

The full analysis, How to Build Trust in Vaccines: Understanding the drivers
of vaccine confidence. is available here. The five key insights revealed are:

1. Talk about the “protection” provided by the vaccine. That keyword has
significantly more resonance and power than any other.

2. Avoid labelling. or an implication that there is a moral obligation on
people to be vaccinated.

3. Keep messages simple. emphasizing gratitude. and flag relatable
examples, rather than celebrities or politicians.

4. Seek to understand why people have low confidence and treat those
concerns with empathy, not judgement.

5. Focus on the clearest benefit of vaccination: protection for communities
from hospitalization and death because of COVID-19.
‘Shagng Conversations on Vaccines WORLD

How to Build Trust in
Understanding the drivers

of vaccine confidence

MAY 2021

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The connections between the various drivers of low vaccine confidence

Read More HERE


How to Build Trust in Vaccines: Understanding the drivers of vaccine confidence

dn ahi, Pk i Po gers 2 rt
am a remand f embod, chiral comeing, Se sa are

Read More HERE


This is using essentially what is called “Positive Reinforcement.”  In other words, it’s a kinder way to manipulate you to get you to do what they want you to do.  I pulled out the psychological points, but they have medical and dental, too.

.">">">">positive reinforcement


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He go
Apocalypse A Fos QL

PE ~~

=~ AL:

Could all your digital photos be
stored as DNA?


Anne Trahon
On Earth rghit now, thee


xn box 10 rilbon cpgabiyten of dixpeal data, and very day.
Pusan peoxtun orn, photos, eet, and other deal hos that add up to another
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Muarny scanntits brsamen that an altorriative sok stion less in the molecu that Contin
ur genet information: DNA, whch void 10 ston: masse Guantit of
formation at wey high dermity. A coffe mu full of DNA Could theory stom al
Of the workts tata, sry Mark athe, an MIT grofesor of bokogcal vngrnonios

“Wh rr rar OR ANAT 108 $106 ture resave amounts of data hal the work
accurmuiating, ecu the archival data.” says Bathe, who Bao an asocatn
martes of the Heo Ieuttute of MIT ard Harvard. "DNA ea thousandio] dee
than even Rah memory, and anotfe propesty that's Ktermting ts that once you
rakes ther DNA pofymes, f coment consastn any eeergry. You can with th DNA and
thes stoen € omen ©


tite, have aioady demonstrate thal thay can encod images and gages of
text a DNA. Howervee, an easy wary 10 peck out the Geant fn rom a mixture of
marry pacar of DNA wil aha ber rowed. Batt and his colleagues have now


nemonstrati one way 1 Go thal, by encapradating wach data fn i010 4 6
Fracrommeti partichs of hc, which i lated with shor DNA sequencer that reveal
the contents.

Ura thes agpronch, the tesarchins dermomitrated that they coukd accurately pul
ut itil images stored a DNA sasqunnces, from a sat of 20 imagem. Given the
amber Of ponte lates that Could be ud, hes approach Could weal 1 to 1020

Baths th saesor author of the study, which appear: today 0 Natur Mateeats The
vac anton of thus page are MIT serie postion: James Baral, formes MIT revanarch
amo Ton Stapherdd, and MIT graduate stunt Jongh Horinant

Read more HERE


There is an organization by the name of The Tavistock Institute that is home-based in London.  It has fingers all over the world through its Behavioral Institutes.  I wrote an article on some of the activities their Behavioral branches below:


investment firms - Vanguard and BlackRock nearly the entire
media and most of Big Pharma too





Two firms, Vanguard and BlackRock, own the entire mass media and
big pharma “complex”

Notng ! tee ng


0 ary rw



pecpor chem

You’ve Been Nudged!!! Ways Your Thoughts are being Influenced You might not Know About…



A lesson well-taught is how to manipulate trust.  It is not something to be respected and treated well—it is to be manipulated.  Let’s read up some on The Tavistock Institute:

What if | told you...
That the Left Wing
and the Right Wing
belong to the
same bird?

This goes beyond our political
system. leftwing rightwing
conservative liberal

politicalsystem us america
democracy countrydivided
weareone staywoke



What is The Tavistock Institute?




The Nuremberg Code (1949)

The voluntary consent of the human subject 15 absolutely essential

This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent
should be 50 situated as to be able 10 exercise free power of choice, without the
intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other
ultenor form of constraint of coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and
comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, 2s to enable him to
make an understanding and enlightened decision This latter element requires that,
before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject, there
should be made known to him the nature. duration, and purpose of the

expenment, the method and means by which it 1 to be conducted, all
inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected, and the effects upon his
heath or person, which may possibly come from his participation in the

The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon
each individual who initiates, directs of engages in the experiment It 1s a personal
duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity

The experiment should be such as 10 yield fruitful results for the good of society.
unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and
unnecessary in nature

The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal
experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease of other
problem under study, that the anticipated results will jusafy the performance of
the experiment

The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and
mental suffening and injury

No experiment should be conducted, where there 1s an a priors reason to believe
that death or disabling injury will occur, except. perhaps. in those experiments
where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects

The degree of risk 10 be taken should never exceed that determined by the
humarutanan importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment

Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilites provided 10 protect the
expenmental subject against even remote possibilities of jury, disability, or

The experiment should be conducted oaly by scientifically qualified persons The
highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the
expenment of those who conduct or engage 11 the experiment

Dung the course of the experiment, the human subjoct should be at liberty 10
bring the expenment to an end, 1f he has reached the physical or mental state,
where continuation of the expenment scemed 10 him to be impossible


A man is mentioned in the article below.  I recognized his name because I’ve read about some of his previous work at MIT here [note: MIT is in the above graphic, upper-left corner] :


10 Dung the course of the experiment, the scientist in charge must be prepared to
termunate the expenment at any stage. if he has probable cause to believe, in the
exercise of the good faith, supenor skill and careful judgement required of him
that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disshibty, or
death to the experimental subject

“Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control
Council Law No 107. Vol 2,pp 181-182 Washington, DC US Government Printing
Office, 1949 |


New Delivery System for Vaccines? [updated; first posted on 2019/02/26]



He-e-e-ereee’s Mark:


Could all your digital photos be stored as DNA?



Here’s Mark’s little DNA pellets.  Wonder if they could be used to store stuff in us?



Read More HERE


Let’s move on to a big element of control.  I have a few articles about experiences I have had trying to get media to cover vaccine injury, damages and deaths.  A news guy once told me something to the effect—don’t bother trying to contact the media.  It’s all controlled.  Maybe after I retired.


Just two investment firms – Vanguard and BlackRock – own nearly the entire mainstream media and most of Big Pharma, too


Read More HERE


I forgot a most important thing



I’ll leave you with these jerks.  I tumble around the Internet just looking.  Since I’m pretty sure the shot will kill me, I wonder how these fellas even sleep at night.


‘Vaccination’ by BAM! (‘Revolution’ Parody)
















Click a link below to get your copy of The Nuremberg Code.





Nuremberg Code Video link


If you download The Nuremberg Code, understand you have to do something with it.  Please e-mail these folks below:


It's actually time to stop talking and stop watching videos and signing useless petitions and do this:


It’s time to get The Hague involved for violations of The Nuremberg Code and Crimes Against Humanity.  Contact them here:


Submit communications to the
Office of the Prosecutor

Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor

Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands
Fax +31 70 515 8555">">">">


Trying individuals for genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and aggression

Contact us

Communications and claims under art.15 of the Rome Statute may be addressed to:

Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands

or sent by email to

or sent by facsimile to +31 70 515 8555.




The more of us who do this; the more they can’t ignore us.

in Truth


Articles from Joyce 🐝 Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee

View blog
2 years ago · 7 min. reading time

Scary thought, ey? · I’ve been on this planet for nearly 70 years and have watched it being done. · ...

2 years ago · 3 min. reading time

Okay—so that isn’t the title of the paper, but it should be. · I’ve blocked people from my view for ...

2 years ago · 6 min. reading time

I first wrote an article on Dodd-Frank last year. · It was a cursory piece to let people know that w ...

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