Ryan abbou
Engineering / Architecture
About Ryan abbou:
Motivated engineering student hungry to launch a career in the aviation and aerospace industry by voraciously absorbing existing skills and techniques. Yearns to grow technical knowledge and contribute collected personal skills. Enthusiastic hard worker with outstanding mathematical skills.
Operations Enterprise Future Transformation Intern – Lockheed Martin May 2022 – Aug 2022
Worked with the Lockheed Martin’s Materials and Processes Tech Team as well as Galorath to tailor the SEER Cost Estimate tool to LM’s design engineers
Developed a comprehensive database for the Materials and Processes Tech Team where tools and their respective documentation and tutorials can be accessed
Boost Glider Semester Project:
Led the glider team in the design and modeling of the glider through the use of SOLIDWORKS
Coordinated with the rocket team to ensure that design specifications and deadlines were met and to ensure that both teams were working in unison
Foundations of Engineering Semester Project:
Collaborated with team members to brainstorm and develop ideas to solve a common problem
Led the CAD team and designed a highly detailed prototype model in SOLIDWORKS