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College Station
Sixto Marquez

Sixto Marquez

Dr. Sixto Alberto Marquez


College Station, Brazos


About Sixto Marquez:


To obtain a position with a focus with the business, non-profit, or governmental sector utilizing my knowledge of sciences and my experience.


Texas A&M University. Post-Doctoral Research Associate. May 2022-present.

  • Isolating phytochemical compounds at the Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center located in Texas A&M University.
  • Doing field and greenhouse work at the HortTrec facilities of Texas A&M university.
  • Extracting DNA and running gels to identify markers related to resistance to bacterial diseases in peppers.


Prairie View A&M University January 2016- May 11, 2018


Research Specialist

  • Managing Greenhouses located at the experimental farm.
  • Preparing rows in fields.
  • Planting, spraying, fertilizing, and harvesting crops such as okra, melons, strawberries, peppers, and tomatoes. 


Texas A&M University January 2010- December 2012.


Research Associate.

  • Managing greenhouses located at The Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center, Department of Horticultural Sciences.
  •  Planting, spraying, fertilizing, and harvesting crops such as peppers, tomatoes, watermelons, and onions in greenhouses.
  • Helping plant breeders make crosses on crops such as onions, peppers, tomatoes, and cucurbits crops.
  • Doing field work, such as harvesting and sampling watermelons plants.
  • Extracting and processing grapefruit, pepper, tomato, and onion seeds.
  • Isolating and purifying phytochemical compounds in the chemical analytical laboratory located at the Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center.


Louisiana Tech University. October 2007-December 2009.

Greenhouse Manager.

  • Installing, programming, and maintaining, computerized control equipment in greenhouses.
  • Growing poinsettias and bedding plants. 


PhD Horticulture-Plant Breeding at Texas A&M University (graduation-May 14, 2022)

Masters in Agriculture

Alcorn State University, Ms.

Overall GPA: 3.57 Graduation May 2007

Various English Courses

State University of New York at Albany Years 2001 and 2002

French courses

Electricity course, Academia Americana, Caracas, Venezuela

April 2014 – April 2015

French courses. EC Institute, Montreal February-December 2013

Alliance Francaise, Toulouse July-August 2014 

Applications and Analyses of Mycorrhizal Associations

University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 

July 10-12, 2017.

B.S. Agricultural Engineering

Universidad Central de Venezuela

Overall GPA: 3.00 December 2001

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