Gatekeeper on Springer duty - Kingsley, IA, United States - Redwood Ventures

James Miller

Posted by:

James Miller

beBee Recruiter


Job Advertisement:
Pförtnerin im Springerdienst at the Municipal Real Estate Management in Kingsley, IA

In the team of the Municipal Real Estate Management

Image (Image license/Photographer/Graphic designer): 11/3-2

The Municipal Real Estate Management is looking to fill the position of
Pförtnerin im Springerdienst in the area of 65/4-3 Infrastructural Services in the field of house services.

The Municipal Real Estate Management is a central service provider for planning and construction within the Dortmund city administration and manages approximately 2,500 existing properties.

Based on a modern and innovative management approach, we place particular emphasis on sustainability, climate relevance, and the economic viability of investment decisions.

This job advertisement is aimed at employees with at least six months of professional experience in a similar or related field.

The position is classified according to pay group 4 section a (appendix to part A - 11 a) of the TVöD NRW.

If you are not yet classified in pay group 4 or do not have at least six months of professional experience in a similar or related field, you will initially be classified in pay group 3.

After completing a six-month training and familiarization period, there is the possibility of being reclassified into pay group 4.

You will strengthen our team with these tasks:

  • Providing information of

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