Fay Vietmeier

2 years ago · 4 min. reading time · ~100 ·

Fay blog
The path of sorrow. Degrees & Timing. Moves & Measures – part II

The path of sorrow. Degrees & Timing. Moves & Measures – part II

“War does not determine who is right .. only who is left.”

Puppet Presidents command ..
Puppet troops to burn the land
Puppet fire .. not puppet flames
Feed on all the PUPPET games
Puppet lovers .. love their bliss
Can turn away .. from all of this
Puppet leaders shake their heads 

– Leonard Cohen “Puppets”

They wring their hands as the suffering fled

The atrocities are seen and children are dead 

All people & nations should such “puppets” dread


The war in Ukraine is ..

 “Senseless. Senseless” 

- Cormack McCarthy - The Road – an apocalypse

War is now a global chess game. Pawns being moved by puppet hands. 

What President Zelensky needs now are “Thunderbolt” moves

.. you need to be a good chess player to understand or appreciate “Vladimirov's Thunderbolt”

“it takes a lot more than guts and calculations to find and play a move like 26.Bh6 !! It requires creativity and vision beyond a measurable scope.”



“When bombs fall in Kyiv, this happens in Europe, not only in Ukraine. 

When missiles kill our people, it’s the death of all Europeans. We need HELP” 

“Do what needs to be done .. what is stipulated by the greatness of your own country.”

- President Zelensky  


“We are standing for our very being .. our freedom .. and for democracy” 

“We need MORE than prayers” – a Ukrainian mother holding her baby and carrying a gun 


“God will not hold us guiltless. Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. 

Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

There are degrees of SPEAKING (truth & lies)

There are degrees of ACTION

There are degrees of EVIL


“Evil” wears a mask. It hides in darkness. Only in the LIGHT can it be recognized. 

"Evil is unspectacular and always human, and shares our bed and eats at our table." 

- Auden’s tribute to Herman Melville


There are degrees of vision & foresight .. Here’s where you needed to be a Prophet

Here is BETRAYAL & breaking of PROMISES .. a post revelation of signing your “death warrant”

“The tragedy now unfolding in Ukraine is underlining a broader principle clearly seen around the world: Nations that sacrifice their nuclear deterrents in exchange for promises of international goodwill are often signing their own death warrants.”


We should be made to wonder .. how this might have unfolded differently?

IF the Ukraine had become a member of NATO - which they did try (once again) to become under President Zelensky.

Please note the utter HYPOCRISY in this statement 

"Ukraine hadn’t completely taken care of political corruption"

Are all the current NATO countries .. wearing white robes? 

Is THEIR corruption somehow deemed formally acceptable?


“The feeling was, and probably still has been, that Ukraine hadn’t completely taken care of political corruption, that it was still developing its democracy,” Stanley Sloan, an expert in transatlantic relations at Middlebury College and a former international security officer, told McClatchy. “So, there were some formal reasons why the Alliance could say that Ukraine was not ready yet to join the Alliance” (link below)


“Here’s where things get ticklish.” (link below)                                                             

There are degrees of “ticklish” (meaning requiring careful handling)

Here’s where things get “political” .. and moves matter (old moves & new moves)


There are degrees of SANCTIONS .. timing and measures

The sanctions they will hurt everyone .. not just Russia 

Everything is connected: “Develop your senses .. especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” - Leonardo da Vinci 

What impact to help the Ukraine is the seizing the yachts or castles of select oligarchs?

Financial and Economic sanctions will hurt the most  

The sanctions are so strong that they were described as an “all-out economic and financial war” - Bruno Le Maire, the French economic minister (a comment so frank and potentially inflammatory that he immediately walked it back)



March 8th day 13 of the war in Ukraine: President Biden (under pressure by Congress & his own party) announced a ban on Russian oil imports .. saying “defending freedom is going to cost,” so in exchange, Americans can expect higher inflation and higher gas prices. (link below) 

There are degrees of “cost” .. degrees of “higher INFLATION”

Now there is an added external justification to self-exonerate/divert blame: for the reality of record high inflation – which has been steadily increasing in America under the Biden administration & policies .. we have now reached 7.9% .. Do not be deceived. Do not place ALL the blame on Russia.

Only God knows how much higher costs/and HIGH inflation will further escalate. Further frustrate & burden those who are struggling financially. Those not blessed to be an “elite” .. or work in government where money seems to flow like gushing oil.

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” – Sun Tzu - The Art of War

Opportunity to divert attention .. however, the art is to confuse your enemy .. not yourself 

How you arrived where you are

.. you buy oil from your enemies

.. you become reliant on your enemies for products – especially essential products - no longer made in your country  .. though often invented there (link below) 

.. you allow them to buy .. or buy into your businesses/corporations – even essential businesses: like steel mills .. medical supplies – pharmaceuticals (link below) 

.. you allow your “enemies” to buy your land .. even your farms to the tune of billions (link below) 

Again .. Everything is connected. Everyone will be hurt .. not just Russia.

Thoughts from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn ..

“A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.”

“It is time in the world to defend no so much human rights as human obligations,”

“Violence can only be concealed by a LIE, and the lie can only be maintained by VIOLENCE.”  

Concluding thought ..

Please pray for God’s intervention and help for the Ukrainian people. Pray for Peace.

And in your own way .. HELP Ukraine.

“For such a time as this” .. Poland is like Esther 

PRAISE & honor for Poland. Gratitude to the brave, kind & caring Polish people and to the selfless volunteers .. and to the police there who are trying to create order and calm in the presence of great suffering and CHAOS 

The world owes a unique debt of gratitude to Poland .. as does Ukraine for their help in an uninvited, unprovoked crisis.

Additional Links referenced:









Fay Vietmeier

2 years ago#4

Jerry Fletcher

2 years ago#3

Fay Vietmeier

2 years ago#2

Jerry Fletcher

2 years ago#1

Fay, I ,too, am deeply impacted by the mad actions of the Russian tyrant. But I am more concerned for the diplomats trying to avoid a nuclear confrontation and a world ending war. The current response to Zelensky's,  “I don't need a ride, I need ammo" is providing equipment and materials that make it possible for a grandmother to take up a rocket to face the invaders. It is young men and women going to the Ukraine to fight. It is people around the world with a few exceptions giving what they can. Pray for cool heads because if we don't we could see the war to end all wars.

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