Joyce 🐝 Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee

3 years ago · 4 min. reading time · ~10 ·

Joyce 🐝 blog
Is What Being Attempted on Us Now Inspired by a Comic Book? [And Other Things…]

Is What Being Attempted on Us Now Inspired by a Comic Book? [And Other Things…]


I don’t think I can even begin to explain to many of you the scientific mindset. It is a subculture all its own. They are the purest of dreamers in every sense of the word. I know because I belonged to it.

Any future is risky. Scientific futures riskier still. Progress is risky in any direction. Will it work? Will it sell? Will it fly?

Research brings with it hazards—well-known to the dreaming eye. The best of us risk ourselves. The worst of us risk others. 

It’s time to leash-in those taking lives in the name of science—because that is what it really is—not for any public good.

Decades ago, I worked in an engineering department.  Those of us working in technology tended to group together during lunchtime. 

There was some sort of unspoken chasm between product/R&D engineering and test engineering, so the product and R&D sections stayed together.  There was a thick, palpable barrier hanging in the air.  [Subcultures within subcultures so to speak.]

One lunchtime, R&D engineer Moshe looked around at our little group and made a declaration.

“We ARE the elite”

explaining his perception of himself.

As he went into detail, my mind shut down.  I can’t remember if I spoke. I think I may have sputtered some words—just not enough.


I believe those of us lucky

[or maybe not so lucky]

enough to receive such gifts

[whether they be by way of Mother Nature or God]

have an obligation to help people—not set up a brick wall of disdain.


I stopped going to lunch in the cafeteria.


5 ’ “... 50, let us not be blind to our differences.
| butler usatso direct attention to our common interests

\ and to the means by which those differences can be resolved.

; at least we can help moke the world safe for diversity.

For, In the final analysis, oun most basic common link

is that we all inhabit this small planet.
We afl breathe the same ir.

+, We all cherish our children’s future.







BU ry TY.


There has been more than one instance when I have started conversation with someone high up in a scientific field.

Many times a response is tempered with a tone as if I am merely a child.

It always evokes a JFK declaration when this happens:

"So, let us not be blind to our differences, but let us also direct attention to our common interests and the means by which those differences can be resolved. And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal."

JFK Jun 10, 1963


And so it begins...

Nanowarriors: Military Nanotechnology and Comic Books


Military Nanotechnology and Comic Books

Codi Mibarns
Yor catoaNi paves



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Read More HERE


Participating as a research subject brings tremendous risks. Many were not given a choice and thus we have The Nuremberg Code. Informed consent is a must.

The Nuremberg Code

Click on the below link to view a 2-minute video on The Nuremberg Code


The Nuremberg Code (1949)

The voluntary consent of the human subject 15 absolutely essential

This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent
should be 50 situated as to be able 10 exercise free power of choice, without the
intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other
ulterior form of constraint of coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and
comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, 2s to enable him to
make an understanding and enlightened decision This latter clement requires that,
before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject, there
should be made known to him the nature. duration, and purpose of the

expenment, the method and means by which it 15 to be conducted, all
inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected, and the effects upon his
health or person. which may possibly come from his participation in the

The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon
each individual who initiates, directs of engages in the experiment It 1s a personal
duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity

The experiment should be such as 10 yield fruitful results for the good of society.
unprocucable by other methods or means of study, and not random and
unnecessary in oature

The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal
experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease of other
problem under study, that the anticipated results will jusafy the performance of
the expenment

The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid al unnecessary physical and
mental suffening and injury

No experiment should be conducted, where there is an a priors reason to believe
that death or disabling injury will occur, except. perhaps. in those experiments
where the expenmental physicians also serve as subjects

The degree of risk 10 be taken should never exceed that determined by the
humarutanan importance of the problee to be solved by the experiment

Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilites provided 10 protect the
expenmental subject against even remote possibilities of jury, disability, or

The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons The
highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the
expenment of those who conduct or engage it the experiment

Dung the course of the experiment, the human subject should be at liberty 10
bring the expenment to an end, 1f he has reached the physical or mental state,
where continuation of the expenment seemed 10 him to be impossible

10. Dunng the course of the expenment, the scientist in charge must be prepared to
terminate the expenment at any stage. if he has probable cause to believe, in the
exercise of the good faith, supenor skill and careful judgement required of him
that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or
death to the experimental subject

“Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control
Council Law No 107. Vol 2, pp 181-182 Washington, DC US Government Printing
Office, 1949)

x im i " LL
od | fil Fi BT (I!
46 3 1

Click to access 2-2-the-nuremberg-code.pdf


I’ve been on the receiving end of lies to entice cooperation. Most of the pharmaceutical products out there today have risks that go unexplained by MDs. The pharmaceutical/medical industry takes the arrogant stance that informed consent should be determined by the white coats. I say no.

Have good things arisen from such experimentation? I daresay—yes. But not for those who have been experimented on.

“Collaboration in the Woloswt Murderous and torturous medical experiments. The,
“euthunasis” of hundreds of thousands of people with mental of phyycal drabilities
Widespread stenlization of “the unfit ~ Nasi doctor commutted these and counties
Other Meoaties an pat of Hitlers warped quest to create & Geman Muster (ce
Robert Proctor recently made the explosive discovery, however, that Has Germany
wean also decades ahead of other countries in promoting he sith reforms that we today
frgard an progressive and socially respoauble Moststutling, Nasi scientists were the
Hirst to definitively link lung cancer and cgacette smoking Proctor explores the
controverial and troubling questions that such findings cise Were the Basis more
complex morally than we thought? (an good science come from an evil egime ? What
ght this reveal about health activism in ous own society? Proctor gues that we
must view Hitler's Germany more subtly than we have in the past But he sso
concludes that the Nass’ forward looking health sctivism ultimately came from the
Same tuasted root as thei medical crimes. the ideal of 4 onitary cca utopia
teserved exclusively for pure and healthy Germans

Author of an earlier groundber sking work on Nas medical horrors, Proctor began this
book after discovering documents showing that the Nazis conducted the most
SERIE AtAMOKIng CHmpgn in modem history Further research revealed that
Hitler's government passed a wade range of public health me sures, including,
festiictions on asbestos, Gdiation, pesticides, and food dyes. Na health officials
Introduced strict occupations health and safety standards, and promoted such foods,
as whole gran bread and soybeans These policies went hand in hand with health
Propaganda that, for example, idealized the §Gher's body and his nonsmoking,
vegetarian lifestyle Proctor shows that cancer alo became an important socal
metaphor, an the Nas portrayed Jews and other “enemies of the Volk™ a tumors.
that must be eliminated from the German body politic

This 1s disturbing and profoundly important book 18 1s only by appreciating the
connections between the “nonmal” snd the “monstrous” aspects of Nasi wornce and
policy, Proctor rryealy, that we can fully understand not just the horror of fascism, but
also its deep and seductive appeal even to otherwise (ERE thinking Gremans ~

Winner of the Arthur Viselte se Prize fo the History of Public Health in America,
Medical Care Section of the American Public He slth Assocation

“Collaboration in the Holocaust. Murderous and torturous medical experiments. The “euthanasia” of hundreds of thousands of people with mental or physical disabilities. Widespread sterilization of “the unfit.” Nazi doctors committed these and countless other atrocities as part of Hitler’s warped quest to create a German master race. Robert Proctor recently made the explosive discovery, however, that Nazi Germany was also decades ahead of other countries in promoting health reforms that we today regard as progressive and socially responsible. Most startling, Nazi scientists were the first to definitively link lung cancer and cigarette smoking. Proctor explores the controversial and troubling questions that such findings raise: Were the Nazis more complex morally than we thought? Can good science come from an evil regime? What might this reveal about health activism in our own society? Proctor argues that we must view Hitler’s Germany more subtly than we have in the past. But he also concludes that the Nazis’ forward-looking health activism ultimately came from the same twisted root as their medical crimes: the ideal of a sanitary racial utopia reserved exclusively for pure and healthy Germans.

Author of an earlier groundbreaking work on Nazi medical horrors, Proctor began this book after discovering documents showing that the Nazis conducted the most aggressive antismoking campaign in modern history. Further research revealed that Hitler’s government passed a wide range of public health measures, including restrictions on asbestos, radiation, pesticides, and food dyes. Nazi health officials introduced strict occupational health and safety standards, and promoted such foods as whole-grain bread and soybeans. These policies went hand in hand with health propaganda that, for example, idealized the Führer’s body and his nonsmoking, vegetarian lifestyle. Proctor shows that cancer also became an important social metaphor, as the Nazis portrayed Jews and other “enemies of the Volk” as tumors that must be eliminated from the German body politic.

This is a disturbing and profoundly important book. It is only by appreciating the connections between the “normal” and the “monstrous” aspects of Nazi science and policy, Proctor reveals, that we can fully understand not just the horror of fascism, but also its deep and seductive appeal even to otherwise right-thinking Germans.”

Winner of the Arthur Viseltear Prize for the History of Public Health in America, Medical Care Section of the American Public Health Association

It 1s not always easy to distinguish between
conviction and opportunism in such matters. And
though the distinction may not be as crucial as we like
to think, Hueper's apparent support for the Nazi
regime (he ends his letter with an enthusiastic "Heil
Hitler!") still comes as a shock to anyone unfamiliar
with the political landscape of European cancer
activism in the 1930s (see fig. 1.1). The story is a
disturbing one, one that seems to violate some of our
most cherished political prejudices. Hueper, after all,
went on to become "the father of American
occupational carcinogenesis," the man who tried to
alert medical officials to the hazards of unventilated
uranium mining, and the man who, more than any
other, brought the cancer hazards of pollutants in our
food, air, and water to scientific attention Hueper was
the guiding light behind the ominous cancer chapter in
Rachel Carson's Silent Spring (titled "One in Every
Four"), and it was Hueper who, only months before

Purchase this book HERE


The Nazi War on Cancer



From 1946 1974, several agencies of the United States government conducted or sponsored
expenments on human subjects involving radioactive materials

I'he agencies included the Atomic Energy Commission and several branches of the military
crvices, among others. Many such expenments resulted in valuable medical advances like
»chation treatments for cancer and the use of sotopes to accurately diagnose illnesses. However,
he Clinton Administration has questions about whether subjects of some expenments were
reated properly. There are indications that in some cases

1) some subjects may not have been notified that they were participating in an experiment, (2
«ome subjects may not have given proper informed consent;

3) certain subjects gave consent, but may not have been fully informed of potential health
ansequences of the expenment;

4) expenments were conducted with disturbing frequency on subjects from vulnerable
sopulations: poor people, elderly people, retarded persons,

+fants, [I was one and I'm missing a good chunk of my forearm musculature because of x ray
xpenmentation when 1 was just a little babe. When [was a kid, I used to call the skin on that arn
1y 90 year old skin. And the fact they burnt the muscle away meant that every time | bumped
1at arm, 1hit bone and it hurt like hell. There is no muscle there to cushion any hits
hese expersments occurred at Beverly Hospital in Beverly, Massachusetts. So much more of my life is
Ee poy

srison inmates, and hospital patients suffering from terminal conditions, and

5) some experiments served no apparent therapeutic medical purpose. Information about these
experiments has trickled out over the years, but the government has never made a true
Ca le about this period of the Cold War om

Read More HERE

“The father of American occupational carcinogenesis”? Where are the credits attributed to his victims? Where are their names screamed out with accolades for the painful sacrifices they made? “So-and-So participated in this cancer study and was injected with tumorous cells to promote growth…” “We exposed So-and-So to very high levels of Aluminium to see the effect on the brain.”

I’m done. I’ve had it. Kaput.

Irradiated arm

Normal Arm (Hote my use of th

My arm irradiated as a baby.









My children are Vaccine-Injured. I'm Vaccine-Injured with the crippling effects of antibodies to my DNA.  I'm all done with lies.

I can smell the stink of an experiment one hundred or so miles away. I’ve done a few myself—but not on living things.

I’m tired of people saying it’s crazy and ‘oh it cannot be’, but








Nazi Germany has nothing on The United States of America. The Land of Opportunity is the Land of the Opportunistic. [Isn’t that a disease?]

Copyright February 2021 by Joyce Bowen


Articles from Joyce 🐝 Bowen Brand Ambassador @ beBee

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