Post by Rick
Rick Burns

Rick Burns

Writing Tutor

New York City, New York

Rick Burns

2 months ago

How to write an assignment on IGC topic

One of my students was faced with an assignment to write a paper about International Geological Congresses (IGC). Honestly, this was the first time I've come across such a topic myself. To provide this assignment help, I studied the website of the 33th IGC and others. After we completed our work together (quite successful and highly appreciated at the end), I can give the following information on this topic.

Let's start with a basic explanation of what an International Geological Congress is and basic facts about it:

Every four years, geoscientists from all over the world get together at the International Geological Congress (IGC). A lot of them. The IGC's goal is to make it easier for earth scientists around the world to talk to each other and work together. 

Some important facts about the IGC:

  • Thousands of people from over 100 countries attend each year, making it the biggest regular international meeting for geoscientists. The first IGC took place in Paris in 1878.
  • Gemology, geophysics, geochemistry, mineralogy, paleontology, volcanology, oceanography, hydrogeology, and many more are all covered at the conference.
  • The IGC is held in different countries and regions every year. Busan, South Korea, in 2024 and Cape Town, South Africa, in 2028 are two places that are coming up.
  • Scientists show off their newest work through talks, posters, and displays at the week-long meeting. There are technical classes, plenary speakers, workshops, short courses, and field trips planned.
  • Prizes are given out, such as the prestigious Penrose Medal for outstanding geological study.
  • The IGC makes it easier for experts from different countries to work together and connect with the rest of the world's geologists.
  • During each IGC, special publications like conference proceedings are made available to show the current state of geoscience study.

Now, I would like to share some tips that will be useful for you if you too are faced with the task of writing a paper on the International Geological Congress ;)

  • Give some background on the IGC, including what it does, its past, and what it means in the field of geology. Tell people important things about the meeting, like how often it happens, where past and future ones have been held, how many people usually attend, etc.
  • Major the task on a certain upcoming or past IGC. Give an outline of the 37th IGC, which will take place in Busan, South Korea, in 2024.
  • Find out about the congress's theme and the main points of talk that will be covered. Most of the time, the themes have to do with new or significant problems in mining.
  • Describe the main speakers, technical sessions, workshops, field trips, and other activities that will happen at the meeting. Draw attention to the parts of the program that are most important to the course or to you personally.
  • Talk about some of the most important study results that will be shown. Read the chosen paper abstracts and mark the ones that you think are interesting or important to talk about.
  • Talk about the ways that geoscientists from all over the world can meet new people, work together, and share their information at the congress.
  • If you can, connect what you learned at Congress to ideas you've been learning in class or to things that happen in real life. For instance, link the congress sessions to things like climate change, natural disasters, energy supplies, and so on.
  • Make guesses about what the latest study that will be presented might mean. What changes might happen in the area of geology?
  • If you use facts, figures, or quotes from study papers or the Congress website, be sure to give credit to the source.

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