Post by Hailey
Hailey Coon

Hailey Coon


Lafayette, Lafayette

Hailey Coon

1 year ago

Sample Creative Writing.

This is a sample of the novel I have been working on off and on for the last couple of years. It is not yet complete and is a work in progress that needs to be revised eventually, but it serves as a good example of what I can come up with, creatively.


These Words Will Kill You

I stare at him blankly at first.  These doctors constantly ask me questions about what happened that night. They drag me into this pale purple room scented of pure disinfectant and probe my brain for an answer that has never come.They don’t understand what will happen if I tell them. It seems I have been here forever. I am growing weary of it. So I stare blankly at him, hoping he will let it go. He looks at me with eyes full of pity. Those eyes are the same as everyone who looks at me since that night. It is then that  I realize what needs to be done. I clear my throat and get ready to speak for the first time since I have arrived.            

    Beginning of tape A1:

“Tell me why you are here, Katelyn. Tell me about that night.”, the man with the shiny, bald head tells me.         

“You may start whenever you are ready.”, he says patiently. He almost makes me reconsider. Almost.

I look at him for a second. “Do you have kids? A wife?” I ask him.

“No to both. Why do you ask?” he replies.

I sigh and shake my head. “ These words will kill you. Are you sure you really want to hear them?” I ask.

*A moment passes*

“I will take those odds.”, he answers with a voice full of skepticism. “Do you need a minute to think about it first?” 


    “Alright we will break for five minutes. Then we can get started.” he says.

End of Tape A1.

The bald man looks pleased with himself. He clicks his pen and gets ready to take notes. Little does he know how much his life is about to change. The room is silent aside from the sounds of the clock arms ticking by. The bald man tries to subtly look up at the clock every few seconds. I can tell that he is ready to get this started with. To hear the story that not a single other person knows other than myself. I clear my throat. That’s his cue. He gets the tapes started up again.

Beginning of Tape A2:

“Start wherever you feel comfortable.” he says.

*a moment passes*

“We have time. Take your time.” he prompts in a careful voice.

“There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t feel the ache of losing him. It consumes me. I will always remember the blood and the way it smelled mixed with the stale scent of that room. You may say that what I am about to tell you is a horror story, but I don’t feel like it is. No, for me this will forever be the most tragic and haunting love story. At least in Romeo and Juliet, they both die. I’m stuck here living without him. My sweet Liam. You wanted to know why I am here. Pay close attention because this is the first and last time I will ever tell my story. Our story.” 

“Liam. Tell me about Liam. Tell me about him and the room.” he tells me.

“Liam was...he was special. I’ve never loved anyone more than I loved him. More than I still do love him.” I barely whisper.

“How did you meet Liam, Katelyn?” he asks me.

“It was about a year ago. I got accepted into my dream school. I decided to move out of my parent’s house and rent a place with a few other people so I could finally have my freedom. I found this beautiful place. It was Victorian and seemed like something straight out of a fairytale. Little did I know that it would turn out to be the object of my nightmares.” I told him.

“Is this where you met Liam? Was he your roommate?” the bald guy prompts.

“No. Liam doesn’t enter this world yet. Someone else does. Or better yet, something does. James. James comes in.” I choke out.

“Who is James? Is he one of the roommates?"


“Katelyn?” he questions, “ Alright, we can take another break. Maybe get some lunch and come back here. Okay?”


End of Tape A2.

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