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  • beBee is set up to facilitate networking among business professionals. As you increase your exposure on the platform and develop relationships, it is easier to be noticed by recruiters and hiring managers. Your professional credibility can mean opportunities coming to you from your network.
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  • Blogging is your main means of communication giving the fact it reveals your personality, mindset, and intellect. It’s where you showcase your creativity and point out the strengths that make you unique.

Latest professionals who have joined beBee

Andrew Zhang

Andrew Zhang

Front End Developer


New York City, New York
Brandon Valladares

Brandon Valladares



Plainfield, City of Plainfield, Union
Erin Canning
$100 hour

Erin Canning

Catering Fine Dining Solutions

Tourism / Travel / Hospitality

Saratoga Springs, City of Saratoga Springs, Saratoga
Dinner Catering Services
Siobhan Broucek

Siobhan Broucek

Aspiring Talent manager

Human Resources

Chicago, City of Chicago, Cook
Emma White
$100 hour

Emma White

Expertise in ecommerce and digital marketing.

Home Services / Social Care

Kent, Washington
Home Appliance Services + 2
Julie Adkinson

Julie Adkinson

Senior Tax Analyst

Banking / Loans

Andalusia, Township of Andalusia, Rock Island
Jim Stella

Jim Stella


Technology / Internet

Gardner, City of Gardner, Worcester
Aleksey Chernyakhovskiy

Aleksey Chernyakhovskiy

Full Stack Software Engineer

Technology / Internet

New York City, New York
Mark Bronson

Mark Bronson

Pacific Restoration

Construction / Facilities

Georgia, Lamar
Cecilia Dominguez

Cecilia Dominguez

Customer service and hospitality

Customer Service / Support

Rockport, Aransas
paul davis
$100 hour

paul davis

web developer

Technology / Internet

Seattle, City of Seattle, King
Accessible Web Designers
Kelly Perez

Kelly Perez


Wellness / Beauty

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
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